Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

I don't have pictures for this post, shocking, I know, since that is all I normally post! However, It was a wonderful day. My kids came in handing me plants saying, "Happy Mother's Day", I barely had my eyes open...Anna ran in lastly saying, 'Happy Valentine's Day, Mommy." For some reason, every holiday is Valentines for her. We laughed about that the rest of the day. Isaac and Grace had both made home made gifts from school. However, about two days prior to Mom's day, had been working feverishly in their rooms making dozens of pictures that they put in shoe boxes wrapped in Christmas paper with peppermint patties taped to the top. So cute. Isaac gave me a great story that actually reminded me of his daddy!! It said, "One day there was a mother and her family and this Mother loved her family. But one day a fire came to her family. The end. My Mother is the best mother ever!!!" I just cracked up (not in front of him) B/c his father wrote a poem for his mom when he was around 7, for Valentines. It said, "I shot a dinasour and I'm boiling his head in a pot." "oh how beautiful is the winter fallen snow..." Does anyone else see the similarities there?? James made pancakes (first time ever:) and then we barely made it to church. We spent the afternoon at Chris and Pat's..the guys cooked out and the kids and adults played baseball in the afternoon. It was so much fun. Anna spent about 3 hours in the sand box!! They just played all day outside. What a great day. To top it off, Danielle, Chris and I went to see, "Made of Honor"..very good chick flick. Laughed a lot and some good know, not realistic at all! Hope all you mom's had a great day and kicked back a little!


Lora said...

Happy Mom's Day Steph!!

Love Isaac's story. I can't believe we have never heard that story about James' story! Gonna have to remember that one...

Got your message about camp, it's on the calendar! Can't wait!!

Jessa said...

Steph - Love the story by Isaac. Sounds like a wonderful day - hanging out and playing ball with your fam! I will have to watch that movie. Don't you love the homemade gifts and wrapping? Mine were wrapped in coffee filters! So creative =] Love ya!